Today let's talk about procrastination, because the clock is ticking!
Ask any writer. There are times when we'd rather walk a mile on broken glass than sit down to write.
Plus, teenagers blow stuff off. Esp in summer. They'd rather be at the beach, or even looking at a video of a beach during quarantine, than work on college essays.
They'll tell you the personal statement is only 650 words and it's not even due til December.
But in fact, it's not only 650 words. Most great essays take at least four drafts. That's like 2,600 words.
Plus, most students don't write their best personal statements on the first topic they choose.
But the real reason not to delay is the supplemental essays.
The "Why This College?" essay has to be unique, and well-researched.
Most colleges require anywhere from two to five supplemental essays, on top of the personal statement; usually 150 to 400 words each.
Some you can re-use from school to school if you write them strategically.
And those prompts don't come out until after school starts, which is already very busy.
So… all that said, don't stress out. The best way kids can be productive this summer is to daydream, but with a purpose. Specifically, to come up with a topic for their personal statement.
So don't freak out, but do get your kids started soon.