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College Campus


My name is Mike Demilio. This is my eighth year as a college essay coach and my first as an official college counselor, although to be honest, I've been helping students zero in on their ideal colleges for a few years now. 

I provide strategic guidance to college applicants, and calm, confident reassurance to their parents. The application process ought to be enjoyable - a time of growth and discovery. I help make it so.


Why Equal Edge?


I realized that the huge competitive advantage my paid clients gained from working with me was not something that everyone could afford, so I set up my business to fix that.

Working with me, you'll have the option of best-in-class essay coaching or full-service college counseling (which includes my essay service). You'll also be providing an equal edge to my pro-bono students. 


Each hour my clients engage me allows me to spend an hour with students at my partner organizations. There is more info on these organizations in my bio.

Hit the button below to schedule a free consultation to discuss your student's needs. I work with students from all over the US and abroad. Thanks!

Man Writing


Essays can make or break a college application.

Obviously, there is a lot more to the application process, so I offer assistance with things like college selection, application completion and general guidance and mentoring. But coaching students on their essays is at the heart of what I do.

It is my hope that the excellence of my students' essays will result in higher acceptance rates and more scholarships awarded.


Group or Solo Workshops

Often the first exposure to the college essay writing process for rising seniors, my free workshops introduce students to this unique challenge and prepare them to write efficiently and effectively.

One-on-One Coaching

Every student brings a unique set of skills and insights to the writing process. I help students assess their readiness to write and respond with the instruction that best serves their needs.   

Guided Brainstorming

Using exercises developed by some of the best thinkers in the field, I help students focus on the critical elements of a great essay and identify powerful, meaningful topics that illustrate their truth.

Weekly Check-ins

Teenagers have busy lives. Weekly check-ins provide milestones to keep work progressing toward deadlines, and help students identify small issues before they become larger problems.    

Structuring the Essay 

Great essays require mindful preparation. I encourage students to test their topics for maximum interest and impact before they begin writing, a process that results in greater creativity.

Polish and Submit

Good writing emerges from editing and re-writing, and rarely from a first draft. I challenge students to raise their essays to the highest quality possible before submitting them to colleges.  


Partnering for Good

Working in a pro-bono capacity, I am able to give underserved students an equal edge to their peers with more resources.

As a paid client, each hour you engage me enables me to spend an hour with my pro-bono students. I thank you! 

Note: All of my pro-bono work is done solely through partner organizations

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